Fibromyalgia and the Pain Body Pt 3: Breaking Free
The pain body, is an integral part of fibromyalgia. It is the blend of destructive cellular memories, suppressed emotions, sub and unconscious negative beliefs that cause emotional pain, stress and contribute to physical symptoms. In order to heal the pain body, it...

I am . . .
Always Remember . . . Honor Yourself. Respect Yourself. Love Yourself. You are Worthy. You are Important. 💗Bindu

What if . . .
What if . . . ??? For those of us who are challenged with fibromyalgia and other chronic illness, we can feel like a victim to our circumstances. We might fight the illness and the symptoms and want them to go away. That is perfectly natural and normal. Consider...

Compassion is . . .
Compassion for yourself Opens the doorway to heal your heart Releasing the pain of the past and opening to a new future filled with light, love, and abundance in all areas of your life. Compassion for others opens your heart creates connection, love and inner peace...

Unraveling the Pain Body
Reclaiming Your Innocence Last week, we talked about the pain body and how it was an important factor in fibromyalgia. This week, we are going to explore how to break the cycle of the pain body. Freeing our self from the pain body is an essential piece in...

Give Thanks . . .
May you find that love! And if not from another, find that love within yourself! 💘Bindu

Fibromyalgia and the Pain Body Pt 1
Fibromyalgia, Chronic Illness and the Pain Body, Part 1 The term the Pain Body was introduced by Eckhardt Tolle several years ago. The pain body is the accumulation of suppressed emotions, negative thoughts, unhealthy beliefs and destructive cellular memories within...

Send Love Back
I adopted this many years ago when I was in an abusive situation. I had to rise above the abuse. I had to love myself enough to set healthy boundaries. I had to love myself enough to get out of my abusive situation. And . . . I could do that with love. Love for...

Character Traits of Kindness
“Use your voice for kindness, your ears for empathy, your hands for helping others, your mind for truth, and your heart for compassionate love.” – David Scott Kindness is not only about what you do but how you do it. It can accompany every type of action from praise...

There is Always Hope
I know how deep the despair can be. I know the feeling of wanting to give up. I know the desire to want a new body, then things would be better. I know the strength of rising above the despair. Of choosing to not give up. To hold on to hope. To reach for a better...

I Know Your Pain – I Know Your Strength
I originally wrote this blog in 2019. I came across it this week and wanted to share it again. Reading it was a remainder of the pain I had suffered with fibromyalgia. But what I also noticed was the reduction of the emotional charge of the memories. That is another...

How to Build Kindness
How to be More Kind “We cannot do great things on this earth, only small things with great love.” -Mother Teresa Kindness is a simple act. It doesn’t take a lot of time, money or resources unless you want it to. The smallest acts of kindness often go the longest way...