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It’s Not Your Fault!

It’s Not Your Fault!

It's not your fault . . . That you have fibromyalgia It's not your fault . . . That you were abused as a child or adult, beaten up, hit, or yelled at. It's not your fault . . . That you were abandoned as a child or adult It's not your fault . . . That you were...

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Love – Joy – Peace

Love – Joy – Peace

Fibromyalgia is a devastating illness It robs us of our peace, joy and happiness It challenges our relationships It robs us of our sense of wellbeing It can destroy our career and ability to express ourself in the world It creates an environment of constant pain It...

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True Connection

True Connection

True connection can exist within any relationship. Friend, family, lover, spouse, children, acquaintance. This is when the richness of connection warms and opens heart and soul. May you nurture true connection, 💗Bindu

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Remember . . . Include yourself in those that you love. It is love that allows you to walk away from a hostile situation. It is love that allow you to set healthy boundaries. It is love that enables you to create time for your own self care. It is love for you to...

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