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I adopted this many years ago when I was in an abusive situation. 

I had to rise above the abuse. 

I had to love myself enough to set healthy boundaries.

I had to love myself enough to get out of my abusive situation. 

And . . . 

I could do that with love. 

Love for myself. 

And as much love and compassion for the other as I could muster.  

No name calling. No blaming.  

Just, it is time to go.  

I leave you with love.  

Maybe I didn’t tell them that.  

But that was my inner mantra and mindset. 

It enabled me to leave with dignity.

It enabled me to leave with no regrets.

I did the best I could in the situation. 

I wasn’t perfect at this, 

But good enough. 

And that was enough.

I carry this in my heart now.  

My heart is opening wide to myself and others.

It feels good.

It feels new. 

It is unfamiliar yet comforting. 

May you give and receive love.
