What if?  A new perspective on Fibromyalgia

What if? A new perspective on Fibromyalgia

Consider, for a moment, the possibility that fibromyalgia is a phase or stage in your life that you can move beyond. What if fibromyalgia is a wake up call; your spirit’s way of getting your attention to move you beyond all that holds you back in life to become the person you were destined to be?

What if life is a process of Integrative Wholeness™, that it is time for you to move into the highest expression of who you really are step by step?

What if true healing deals with more than just alleviating the physical symptoms, but that you are composed of separate dimensions – physical, emotional, mental, expression, spiritual and energetic – and your mission is to balance and integrate each of these dimensions back into a whole? What then?

The Integrative Wholeness™ Experience is an 8 fold process designed to empower you in this process of healing, transformation and evolution. In the Integrative Wholeness™ Experience, each dimension of your being is addressed, balanced and integrated into the whole. The result is improved physical health, greater emotional stability, improved mental clarity and focus, an internal sense of well-being, increased ability to manifest your dreams and desires, a greater sense of purpose, and a highly tuned internal compass to guide you in your life. 

  • Heal the Heart (emotional)
  • Balance the Body (physical)
  • Harness the Mind (mental)
  • Enhance Your Expression (relationships, career, finances, and passions/hobbies)
  • Reconnect to Spirit (spiritual)
  • Strengthen Your Energy (energetic)
  • Reawaken Your Innate Intelligence
  • Align with Your Core Values

My Experience

My experience with fibromyalgia, led me on a journey to heal my body. In the process, I discovered healing my physical body, included much more that I expected. I discovered traumas that I wasn’t even aware of. The impact of which were not only undermining my physical health, but my emotional health.

I spent many years walking a fine line between sanity and insanity. Dealing with panic attacks, ongoing anxiety, being easily triggered into rage or terror. I was severely depressed as well. My self esteem was non-existent. I was a people pleaser and felt like nothing I ever did was good enough. I became a work-a-holic and a perfectionist to cover up my deep sense of unworthiness.

I began with taking care of my body. Eating better, exercising, getting rest.

I worked with healing my imbalanced emotions and gradually unwound my traumas.

I had to harness and retrain my mind out of a persistent negative view of life to a healthy and optimistic perspective.

I discovered a spiritual perspective that helped me to accept life as it was, harvest the lessons it had for me and discover a sense of calmness, deep within.

I learned to listen to and trust my body and my intuition and allowed it to guide me in my life.

I learned how to interact with others in a harmonious way. I identified my core values and began to live more in alignment with them. I had to forge my own path in the world, that was unique to me.

I recreated myself. It was worth the effort.


The Integrative Wholeness Experience.

Out of my experience, I have created a course call The Introduction to the Integrative Wholeness Experience. I will be launching it in the next month or so.

I look forward to sharing this with you. Stay tuned for more information.


May you find health and inner peace, ❤️Bindu

Healing from the Inside Out

Healing from the Inside Out

I often use the phrase ‘healing from the inside out’. The first time I heard it, I wondered what it really meant. I suspect that you also wonder that same thing.


Let’s start by looking at different health care models:

Allopathic Medicine.

Per the National Cancer Institute, allopathic medicine is a system in which medical doctors and other health care professionals (such as nurses, pharmacists, and therapists) treat symptoms and diseases using drugs, radiation, or surgery. Also called bio-medicine, conventional medicine, mainstream medicine, orthodox medicine, and Western medicine.

Green Health Care

A system of health care in which natural, alternative, and holistic practitioners address symptoms using natural herbs, supplements and other holistic modalities, which could include acupuncture, massage, aromatherapy, and many others.

Many of these practitioners work to alleviate symptoms while also exploring and addressing the deeper causes the the illness. It depends on the practitioner, their approach, perspective, training and expertise.

Healing from the inside out. 

A system of wellness care that uses detective work to identify underlying cause of symptoms and then supports the body in healing itself. This is based on the understanding that the body heals itself. Your entire body was built from 2 cells joining together. Every function in your body was created from those two cells. If the human body is capable of that, then it is also capable of healing almost anything that goes wrong in the body.

It is also important to alleviate symptoms along the way. This is called smart or holistic symptom relief.

All three approaches have their place.

The patient or client needs to work with their practitioners to find the right balance of the three models. They each have their own pros and cons.


Let’s explore the Healing from the Inside Out model.

From my perspective, the body is designed to heal itself. When the body is exposed to stresses, it is designed to meet and resolve the stress and return to homeostasis. When the body is not healthy, it means that the body is not able to meet and resolve the stresses. This can be caused by many factors and in the case of chronic illness, it is that there are more stresses that the body can handle, and the dis-ease process has been initiated.

A common mis-understanding is the symptoms themselves.

Our society commonly see symptoms as something bad that needs to be gotten rid of. From the inside out perspective, symptoms are either a sign that the body is healing or a message from the body that something has gone wrong and we need to grab our detective hats and get to the investigation.

A symptom can be a sign that the body is healing itself.

When the body is healing itself, there will almost always be a symptom. You cut your finger and it become red, inflamed and sore. That is the body sending energy and healing chemicals to the cut. If you wash the cut, and keep it from getting infected, the finger will heal. Nothing else needs to be done.  This is a very simple example, and yet often our symptoms are just that, the body in the process of healing itself.

Our symptoms may be the body telling us that something is wrong.

Imagine that the oil light came on in your car. Rather than putting more oil in the car, you snipped the connection to the light so that the oil light didn’t come on. Without the simple act of adding oil, you might very well burn out or freeze the engine.

Maybe your fatigue is because you aren’t getting enough sleep. Your heartburn is caused by eating too much of the wrong foods. Sure, you can take a medication or supplement to make the symptom go away, but without addressing and resolving the underlying cause, the health of the body may decline, the symptoms may reappear or show up in a different and perhaps a more serious problem.

From my understanding, this is what happens in our body when we use drugs, supplements and other tools to ‘stop’ the symptoms. Sometimes intelligent symptom alleviation is appropriate, but it is best used along with a deeper look and resolution of the underlying cause.

Finding a practitioner who is seasoned in supporting the body in healing itself

A practitioner who is skilled in assisting an individual to heal from the inside out will have many ways to inquire, identify and resolve the underlying causes of symptoms. As the underlying causes are identified and resolved, then the problematic symptoms simply go away.


Supporting the body to heal from the inside out.

I spent a lot of years chasing symptoms with both allopathic medicine and green medicine. In order to fulfill my desire to completely heal myself, I needed to go deeper. I could manage my symptoms with supplements, but I couldn’t make them completely go away. My intention was to be symptom free. So I continued searching.

I studied wholistic health from many angles, including physical, emotional, mental, energetic and spiritual aspects. I am also very intuitive. By blending my studies with my intuition, I was able to identify and resolve the underlying causes of my symptoms and they began falling away.

Now talking with an individual, listening, and asking for questionnaires to be completed I can have a pretty good idea of the areas of stress.  Then comes the work of identifying specifics and using the right tools to neutralize the stresses.

Healing from the inside out can seem to take longer and be more expensive than the allopathic approach, but in my experience the opposite is true. It embraces the whole being and becomes an experience of tapping into and neutralizing stresses that you never knew were lurking under the surface. These stresses impact you on all levels, robbing you of your vitality, inner peace and satisfaction in life.

The result of healing from the inside out is that you discover a new you that may be well beyond what you ever imagined possible.  That is true healing. 

Stayed tuned.  Next week, we will look at the kinds of stresses that underlie the experience of fibromyalgia. 

May you heal, 💕Bindu

The Most Important Nutrient

The Most Important Nutrient

Breath is Life

The most important nutrient that we take in every minute of every day is air.  Breath is life.  You life begins with the first breath in and ends with your last breath out.  Without breath/air, you would cease to be alive in 3-4 minutes.  You can live for up to 3-4 months without food and up to a week without water, but you cannot even live 5 minutes without air.  

Breathing and Life Energy

In all ancient traditions, the breath and management of the breath was highly valued.  Ancient yogis knew the power of breath.  They created an entire science of breath called pranayama.  Prana means life force; Yama means control.  Their philosophy held that control of vital breath is the key to good physical health and calm, clear thinking. 

Modern research also shows that by slowing down and deepening our breath shifts us from the stress response to the relaxation response.  Slowing the breath down slows the heart, normalizes blood pressure, increases blood flow to the digestive system, deepens sleep, increases energy, focus, concentration, and memory

Breath as a Tool for Self Awareness

Practicing being aware of the breath for a few minutes each day is a wonderful tool for self awareness.   Simply by closing your eyes and watching your breath for a few minutes will begin to bring your awareness to your inner experience.  That creates balance in the body, mind and emotions. 

Breathing Techniques

Breathing techniques have been developed for attaining peak performance, managing stress and improving overall health.  They are easy to master and have profound effects.  In just minutes a day, you can feel increased vitality, strength and peace.

Conscious movement of breath can be applied to achieve a state of relaxed vitality so that optimum health is reached and maintained.  The breath is one of the few body systems that is both voluntary and involuntary.   We can use the training of breath as a tool to achieve heightened energy and awareness and to resolve specific problems such as lowering blood pressure, stop smoking, and lower stress.

The Natural Breath

Have you ever watched a sleeping baby?  Its little tummy moves outward easily and fully as it breaths in air.  This is how we all breathed as a child, fully and deeply.  A full deep breath will bring in as much as 2 quarts of air with each breath, which includes energy, oxygen and other nutrients for the body. 

For a minute place your hands on your belly and inhale slowly, and deeply letting your abdomen expand like a balloon.  Let the abdomen fall as you exhale slowly; you are releasing old stale air.  Inhale easily; feel your abdomen expand again.  Press the air out as you contract, as you pull your abdomen in while exhaling.   How do you feel?

Awareness Practice

This week, take 5 minutes each day to practice the Natural Breath.  Somply place your hands on your abdomen and expand the belly like a balloon and then release the breath.  How do you feel after breathing into the abdomen? What do you notice? Is it difficult or hard to breath deeply? Do any emotions come up? Are you wondering if you are doing it right? Does your mind get quiet or not? Take some time to reflect on or journal about your experience.  

Share your experience or questions if you would like.  I am here to support you.  

May you enjoy the benefits of full breathing,  💕Bindu

Acknowledging Positive Changes

Acknowledging Positive Changes

Part of rebuilding our health is making different choices.

These choices can include dietary changes, exercise, in how you think, how you feel, the hours you work, making time for self-care and others.  This might feel overwhelming and undoable, but if done in the right way, it is very possible.

Making lifestyle changes is a journey, not an event.

The journey can be fun and easy if we choose to make it that way.  It is not about perfection.  Don’t feel like you have to make all of the changes today or tomorrow.  Taking small steps each week will make the journey easy and you will be amazed at the results you achieve over time.

Let go of the notion that you need to deprive yourself.

Bring your focus to what you can eat and what you can do . . . not what you have to give up.  Implementing changes doesn’t have to be hard work.  It is important to implement healthy choices at a pace that works for you and doesn’t cause undue stress.  

Self acceptance is an important part of the journey.

Changes made from a place of self acceptance are more powerful and longer lasting than changes made from self judgment.  For example, attempting to avoid sweets because you think you are unattractive because you are overweight is different from choosing healthy foods because they make you feel better physically, mentally and emotionally.  Read these statements a few times and notice how you feel inside as you read each one.

  • I am choosing to eat a healthy food because I feel better physically, mentally and emotionally.
  • I am avoiding sweets because I am unattractive and overweight.

Which one will motivate you more?  Which one makes you feel more positive and uplifted?


Acknowledge the positive changes you have made and the results of those changes.

Say you have simply chosen to eat a healthy breakfast 2 days a week.  Acknowledge that and also acknowledge how you feel on the days that you eat the healthy breakfast.  Whatever you focus on is what will grow.  By acknowledging the positive change you have made and the positive impact that has on you, it will grow.  Grumbling about what you haven’t done only leads to discouragement and ultimately will sabotage your progress.

Keep your focus on the journey with all the baby steps you are taking along with your ultimate vision of yourself as a happy, healthy fulfilled person and you will achieve your vision.

Use the following introspection to acknowledge the changes you have made:

  1. List all the changes you have made to rebuild your health.
  2. Make a list of the positive changes you have noticed in your health, happiness and wellness.
  3. Make some positive affirmations out of the lists your have just made.
  4. Notice how each affirmation makes you FEEL; only keep the ones that make you feel good.
  5. Write the affirmations on index cards.
  6. Post the index cards where you will see them . . . on your refrigerator . . . your bathroom mirror . . . or another place where you will see them on a regular basis.
  7. Read the affirmation on a regular basis and as you do so, imagine breathing the feeling of the affirmation into your body. 

Use this introspection to bring a positive focus to the areas where you are challenged?

It is also important to notice areas where you are criticizing yourself and diffuse the self criticism.  Otherwise it could subconsciously undermine your progress.

  1. Notice if there are areas where you are criticizing yourself for not doing as well as you think you should be doing. If so, write these down.
  2. Reflect on your expectations and notice if they are realistic or not.
  3. If your expectations are not realistic, feel free to change them:
    • Break down your expectations in this area into baby steps.
    • Set new more realistic goals
  4. Find a way to focus on this area of challenge in a positive way.
  5. If you feel inclined, share with a supportive friend or with this group. 

Ask for support when you need it.  Sometimes we will feel stuck when trying to implement changes.  At those times, ask for assistance in identifying and moving beyond whatever is blocking your progress.  You don’t have to do it alone.  Support is available. 

Self Reflection and Rebuilding Your Health

Self Reflection and Rebuilding Your Health

Self reflection is an important tool in the journey of rebuilding your health. 

Self-Reflection is a way to empower yourself to make your own decisions, based on knowledge, awareness, compassion and accessing your inner knowing.  Self Inquiry can be used to develop awareness, compassion, self-confidence and self love. 

The process of self-reflection is a powerful way to get to know yourself.  To become aware of your inner world of thought, emotions, beliefs, values, judgments, joys, fears, and much more.  It is an opportunity to meet yourself with compassion and caring.  By using self-reflection, you can become your own best friend.   You live with yourself 24/7.  No one on this planet can ever know you as deeply as you know yourself.  No one can ever love you as deeply as you can love yourself. 

Are you looking for love? 

The first place is to look within.  When you meet parts of yourself that you judge or push away, is an opportunity to embrace the part of yourself with compassion and acceptance.  By doing that, you will be giving yourself what you want and need most . . .  to be heard, seen and loved.  When you become your own champion, criticism from outside cannot harm you.  You will begin to draw to you love as a reflection of your own self-love.  

Developing self love reduces the stress that you feel every day.  Hidden judgments and self criticism create stress in the body.  This is an important hidden stressor that can keep your nervous system in a state of alert and alarm.  By developing self love, your nervous system can calm down return to balance. Anxiety and depression can be released; rest and sleep can be resorted.  

Self reflection can be done in many ways. 

Some people like to journal; some prefer silent contemplation and others deepen their own awareness through dialogue with a conscious listening partner.  Some people draw or use art, while others use music.  You can experiment with these techniques to see what works for you.  The most common is journaling and silent contemplation.

Self reflection through journaling. 

To experiment with journaling, get yourself a spiral notebook or, if you prefer, a nice journal.  Set aside some time each day where you will be undisturbed.  It can be as little as 15 minutes or as much as 30 minutes or longer.  Sit quietly for a few minutes and slow down and deepen your breath.  You can begin with a question or just write down whatever comes into your mind.  If you begin with a question, write down the question and then just jot down anything that comes to mind as you consider the question.  Do not hamper or edit the flow of your thoughts by throwing out anything, just write down whatever comes to mind.  Sometimes the most insightful and wisest thoughts are those that we might dismiss and being unimportant or silly or irrelevant.  Treasure each and every thought.  After a while of writing, you can go back through what you have written to see the treasures your consciousness has unveiled. 

Self Reflection through silent contemplation. 

This is my personal favorite.  You can begin by setting aside some time each day and finding a place where you will be undisturbed.  Sit quietly and slow down and deepen your breath.  In this method, you simply sit and watch the flow of your thoughts.  If you like, you can ask a question for direction and notice what thoughts come up.  You can deepen the inquiry by inquiring into the thoughts that come up.  Notice if you are judging the thoughts that come up.  If so, endeavor to let the judgments go and simply observe.  In this way, you are getting to know your inner self a bit more each day and by letting go of judgments, you are developing self acceptance and love. 

Self reflection through conscious dialogue with a partner. 

Conscious dialogue with a partner is also very effective.  In this technique, it is important that both parties are committed and aware of the process we are engaging in.  Find quiet place and a time where you will be undisturbed.  Slow down and deepen the breath.  Each person will take a turn sharing.  It is important that the listener not interrupt, share personal stories, or give advice.  Their role is simply to listen and if requested to feed back to the speaker what is being heard.  You can set a timer so that each person has a set amount of time to speak or be more free flowing. 

Enjoying the benefits of self reflection.  

You can use any of the methods above or devise one of your own.  You will find a wealth of knowledge and wisdom within through self reflection.  If you need help embracing yourself and would like assistance to discover the true beauty of who you are, reach out.  I am an expert in helping people to discover and embrace their inner beauty. 

May you know and love yourself,  Bindu


PS.  Stay tuned for my upcoming workshop.