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Unraveling the Pain Body

Unraveling the Pain Body

Reclaiming Your Innocence 

Last week, we talked about the pain body and how it was an important factor in fibromyalgia.  This week, we are going to explore how to break the cycle of the pain body.  Freeing our self from the pain body is an essential piece in rebuilding our health.

But it isn’t in my head, it is in my body!

The pain body is part of the energy body.  It is not the mind, although the pain body feeds negative messages to the mind.  The pain body also feeds negative stress messages to the body via the nervous system, keeping the nervous system in fight or flight that doesn’t allow the body to rest and repair.

If my post last week was reminded you of times you were told it is all in your mind, that is truly not the case.  The pain body isn’t the mind.  You don’t have conscious control over it.  It controls you from a sub and unconscious level.

Acknowledgment of the pain body and our health

Dr Bruce Lipton explores this in his book entitled, The Biology of Belief.

Dr John Harrison also explores the pain body in his book, “Love your Disease: It’s keeping you Healthy.   In his book he revels the connection between physical and emotional symptoms and deeper traumas and childhood conditioning.  

The ACE (Adverse Childhood Experiences) study was done by the US Health Organization, Kaiser Permanente, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention which also verified the connection between physical illness and childhood experiences.  

Science is just now beginning to acknowledge the connection between the mind, body, emotions, energy body and physical illness.  Yogic theory, Chinese medicine and Ayurveda are just three of the ancient methodologies that have known this connection for hundreds of years.

That said, let’s explore how to neutralize the pain body.


Part 2:  How do we break the cycle of the pain body?

Component 1:  Awareness.

Being aware of the concept of the pain body is a first step.  Being able to observe yourself and your patterns, reactions, habits, emotions, thoughts, fears, triggers.   Knowing yourself very well.

Component 2:  Dis-identifying with the pain body

The second essential component in breaking they cycle is dis-identifying with the pain body.  When we identify with the pain body, we think the pain body is us.  If it dies, we die.  From this perspective, there is very little chance in breaking the cycle.

By developing Presence or Witness conscious, we can dis-identify with the pain body.  The pain body is only a part of who we are.  A very dysfunctional part.

There are other healthy parts of who we are, but they have often been suppressed, exiled to banished.   This happens when we are raised in an environment where we had to behave or act in a certain way to be safe, receive love, be accepted.  Yet when we banish those parts, we feel incomplete.  Our aliveness, joy, excitement dies with them.

Presence or witness conscious is engaging the part of us who can witness or observe all parts of who we are.  Awareness practices can help to build our Presence / Witness Consciousness.  This enables us to dis-identify with the pain body and allow for an environment where healing can take place.

Component 3:  Identifying the Parts.

Once we have awareness and are beginning to dis-identify with our pain body, we can begin the sorting and reclamation process.  We need to be able to feel the suppressed emotions.  Not all at once, but over time.  We need to become aware of our negative thoughts and belief systems.  Reconsider them and be willing to change life negative thoughts and beliefs to positive life supportive thoughts and beliefs.

We need to identify and heal traumas from our past; not just on a mental level, but on a cellular and energetic level.  If you work on the mental level only, you will have a different perspective on what happened, but the negative emotional and cellular memories will still create ongoing drama and trauma and negative experiences in your life.

Component 4:  Reclaiming our Banished Parts

The fourth component is reclaiming our suppressed and exiled parts.  The deepest and most rewarding work is reclaiming our wholeness.  All parts of us are valuable and part of the whole.  If we approach our healing thinking that we must never feel negative emotions or have a negative thought, we are fooling ourselves.  Even our so-called negative parts are there for a reason.  They are normally protective parts, protecting an exiled part or banished part.

Perhaps we have banished a part that feels sad or frightened.  Or we have banished a part of us who loves to play, sing and celebrate.  Or the part of us who is clear and direct.  Or the part of us who just knows stuff without knowing why or how.   The part that is naturally joyful for no reason.  The part that loves unconditionally.  Or the part that was hurt or abandoned.  The part that was traumatized, physically, sexually or emotionally.  The part that sees angels or talks to animals or plants.

We are a kaleidoscope of parts.  To be whole and beautiful inside and out, we need to reclaim all of who we are.

Fifth Component:  Love unconditionally

All our parts need more love, not less.  Our exiled or banished parts are hiding because at some point in our life, they were unloved and rejected.  We have both “positive” and “negative” parts that have been banished.  Loving a part doesn’t mean we like a part.  It means we can be compassionately present with that part.  Just like you might be compassionately present with an angry child.

In order to be whole, we need all parts.  When we encounter and can be compassionately present with all our parts, they integrate, and we experience wholeness.  We feel complete.   A deep sense of wellbeing ensues.

In this process, we also reclaim our power.  When we have the ability to love and accept all of ourselves, all of our parts, we no longer seek love and completion from the outside, from another person, place or thing.    We no longer give our power to something outside of ourselves.   We are free.

We are free to love and to live fully.  We can be in a relationship, not from need, but from enjoying our partner or friends’ company and companionship.  We can work at the career of our choice, feeling fulfillment from within and loving the opportunity to serve and support others.   Our fears won’t stop us, and our bliss can guide us unhindered. 

The need of a loving support system

Trying to heal your own pain body is a difficult endeavor. The pain body has built in protections. You often need skilled outside support to help unravel the pain body.

As I mentioned last week, I am working on a group program for women who would like that support. I am looking to launch it in January next year. Stay tuned.


May you love yourself more fully each day,💗Bindu


Fibromyalgia and the Pain Body Pt 1

Fibromyalgia and the Pain Body Pt 1

Fibromyalgia, Chronic Illness and the Pain Body, Part 1

The term the Pain Body was introduced by Eckhardt Tolle several years ago.  The pain body is the accumulation of suppressed emotions, negative thoughts, unhealthy beliefs and destructive cellular memories within one’s body or energy field.  It is what I call the Fibromyalgia Matrix.  The pain body keeps us trapped in the past and interferes with our health and happiness.   It blocks our ability to feel positive emotions and sabotages our attempts at creating a better life for our self.


The pain body is self-perpetuating

The pain body is like an entity in and of itself and strives to stay alive and functional.   It loves conflict and drama.  The conflict, drama and negative emotions triggered feeds it.  The bigger the drama the greater the banquet.    It will attract those situations to itself and then revels in the drama and negative emotions.


The Pain Body is a major factor in fibromyalgia. 

The pain body is behind chronic depression and anxiety.   Suppressed emotions give rise to the feeling of depression. When you suppress a negative emotion such as sadness, you are also suppressing the ability to feel positive emotions and end up feeling depressed.


Suppressed fearful emotions don’t go away.

Suppressed fearful emotions live within us sending a constant message of danger to the nervous system.   It keeps the body in fight or flight mode, always feeling threatened and the need to fight or run away.  The nervous system stays in a sympathetic (on) status and doesn’t know when or how to shut down.  This give rise to insomnia, chronic fatigue and feeling crummy.  When the body doesn’t get the rest it needs, it doesn’t heal, detoxify recharge and rejuvenate the body.  You end up with multiple chronic symptoms with no seeming cause.


The Pain Body becomes our identity.

These patterns become so normal that we don’t differentiate between us and the pain body.  You might say that we become identified with the pain body.  It becomes us.  It becomes our identity.

One commonality between women with fibromyalgia is that many of us feel a strong need for people to hear our pain.  And we often feel defensive when others try to help us.  This is the pain body talking.  It wants to be heard, but it doesn’t trust others.  It also has a commitment to staying alive and well in its misery . . .  even though another part of you wants to be alive, happy and healthy.

Pretty nasty picture.  Yet it is real.  And it keeps us in a state of misery and pain.  Can you relate?  I sure can.  I lived it for many years.  I was a pro at being miserable and in pain.   It is such a relief to be out of this pattern.  You can too.


There is hope.  You can healing the pain body.

My post next week will show the 5 stages of healing the pain body.  Stay tuned.


Healing the Pain Body is an important part of rebuilding our health.

I have been asking myself this last year why I focus to much on the emotional, mental aspects of rebuilding our health.  As I wrote the post, I received my answer.  We can do all the right things on a physical level to rebuild our health, but without addressing the pain body, our health and especially our happiness will be compromised.

Let’s focus next year on healing the pain body!

Next year I am rolling out online group programs that will provide education, training and support in healing the pain body and the physical body.  One of my goals is to make the healing work that I do available to women and men with fibromyalgia at affordable rates. The group online programs will do that.

I am working on a program that I hope to launch in January focused on resolving trauma. Stay tuned.



May you experience increasing health and vitality, 💕 Bindu

Beyond Fibromyalgia . . . A Path to Wholeness

Beyond Fibromyalgia . . . A Path to Wholeness

The idea the we can recover from from fibromyalgia isn’t very popular.

Our medical system has no cure for fibromyalgia. Even holistic treatments often fall short of providing relief from fibromyalgia.

Back in the 90’s, after struggling with my health for 20 years, I first heard the word fibromyalgia. I was dumbfounded. Also excited. I thought that now that I knew what was wrong with me, I could get help. But the medical system didn’t have anything that helped. I had already began studying holistic health, so put my focus in that direction. Even though it took a long time, I have improved significantly and many of my symptoms are gone or mild.

Today I am inspired to share my approach to moving Beyond Fibromyalgia. 

Which is quite unique.

This is the result of result of my search for health over the past 40 years.  I scoured the medical approach and holistic modalities. This was quite a journey and carried me from one end of the US to another more than once.  Personally working with multiple holistic treatments and protocols and practitioners for 20 years.  Into a monastery for 3 years, and an ashram for 6 years.  10 years of training in wholistic modalities.  Experimenting with diet, exercise and lifestyle choices.  Many years of teaching and coaching others.  I felt like I was guided by a divine hand showing me the next step and the next for 40 years.

Out of all of this I have developed a very thorough systematic way of restoring health.  Based on what really worked and what didn’t. Blending modalities into a synergetic system of rebuilding health addressing all dimensions of our being, body, emotions, mind, spirit, energy and expression. Calling on the power of the body to heal itself.  

This is the system that I used to rebuild my health. And now it is time for me to bring it out into the world.

Below you will see an outline and short description of my system.  I hope it doesn’t feel too overwhelming.  Beginning in September, I will begin teaching group programs taking participants through the process step by step.  My hope/intention is to make the process affordable for everyone.   By doing this in groups you will have the group support throughout the process.

Beyond Fibromyalgia – A Path to Wholeness

Connect to Calm

The Integrative Wholeness Experience

The Integrative Wholeness Experience is designed to teach you how to remain grounded, calm, and centered in the midst of external or internal stress. Accessing your inner wisdom and guidance.  

Internal stress prevents our body from healing itself.  When we have stress from negative life experiences, trauma, unhappy work, and relationship challenges, our sympathetic nervous system is running the show and we do not have the ability to slow down, rest, recharge, and repair.  Or parasympathetic nervous system is keeping us buried in a state of fog and immobility.   This can diminish the effectiveness of any health-oriented protocol.

By grounding ourself in our calm inner Presence we can more easily navigate the ups and downs of the healing journey.  And you will learn how to neutralize triggers and trauma responses as they arise in your daily experience.  

Essential Care of the Body

      • The importance of self-care
      • The importance of bio-Individuality
      • Discover the right diet for your bio-individuality
      • Learn how to keep your body hydrated
      • Enjoy healthy movement for your bio-individuality
      • Use breathing practices to enhance wellness
      • Recharge through sleep, rest, relaxation, and play

The second essential component to rebuilding our health is taking good care of your body.  Without feeding your body the right food for your unique bio-individuality your food can actually contribute to ill health rather than improving health.

Likewise with exercise.  Moving your body is essential for your health and knowing what exercises and how much is right for you will support your healing process.  Doing the wrong exercise or even too much of the right exercise can work against improving your health.

Oxygen is the most important nutrient on the planet.  With our first breath we begin our life on earth.  With the last breath we leave our body. The quality of our breath between these two events contributes to the quality of your life and health.

Water is also an essential nutrient.  Your body is 70% water.  A well hydrated body has a greater ability to detoxify and support normal metabolism.

Rest, sleep, and play are essential to a quality of life.  When we are stressed, we become contracted.  That contraction reduces the quality of our health. Rest and play bring joy and delight into our system and relaxes the body. The right balance between relaxation and contraction is essential for good health.

Quality sleep is also essential to good health.  That is when the body rests, restores, and rebuilds.  Healing trauma, negative life experiences and stresses in your life help the nervous system to unwind allowing for deep restful sleep.   Also the Integrative Wholeness Experience supports you in remaining calm in the midst of stress.

Care of the Mind and Emotions

      • All healing begins with Self-Love
      • Identify, manage and deconstruct stress
      • Embrace the power of your emotions
      • Open and heal the heart
      • Harness the power of your mind
      • Discover the core values that guide you

Much of this is covered in the Integrative Wholeness Experience.

When we have suppressed emotions and unhealed trauma, your cellular memories continuously send a danger signal to your nervous system which keeps you in fight or flight.

The mind jumps in and creates thoughts, stories, and belief systems to attempt to understand and explain the anxiety or depression that you feel.  This tends to slow down the true healing process and keeps you stuck in the uncomfortable known.

Trauma and negative life experiences are revealed and neutralized.  Reprograming the mind to a health life affirmative perspective.  Learning to embrace your emotions in a way that empowers rather than disempowers you.  

All done from a place of self love and compassion.  You will learn a process that will automatically heal trauma triggers and trauma responses as they arise in your experience.  

Identifying and Addressing Underlying Imbalances

      • Support the foundational body systems
      • Discover and deconstruct hidden stressors
      • Experience the art of healthy detoxification
      • Repair cellular damage caused by toxicity
      • Return body systems to balance and optimal function
      • Resolve inherited genetic susceptibilities
      • Restore the energy flow in the body.

When the body has been out of balance for an extended period of time, the biochemistry and energetic terrain of the body changes.  Even after correcting our lifestyle, stress reduction, trauma healing and spiritual connection, the body needs further assistance to return to an inner state of balance and functionality.

The foundational systems of the body include the neuroendocrine system, digestive system, and the detoxification system. By supporting these systems in the body, we can begin the process of rebalancing the biochemistry of the body.

In addition, it is important to identify toxins that are stored in the body tissues which undermine the healthy functioning of the body.    And finally, to repair damage the cells have sustained due to stress and toxicity. 

The body is fueled by energy that flows through the meridian system.  The meridian system feeds each system in the body and keeps the systems, organs and cells functioning normally.  There are many modalities that we can utilize to increase the flow of energy to improve your health. 

Reclaim your Life – Enhancing your Expression

      • Know yourself
      • Create your vision and personal mission statement
      • Effectively manage your life
      • Learn the art of conscious creation
      • Create healthy supportive relationships
      • Communicate effectively from the heart
      • Express your life purpose

Another aspect of rebuilding your health is knowing your true self and consciously interacting with the world around you, through work, family, and society.  Who are you?  What are the gifts that you are here to bring into the world.  How do you manage your time and finances?  Are your relationships healthy, fulfilling, and nurturing?  How do you consciously communicate in the world?

This benefits us in two ways.  First, knowing your core values and mission help you to channel your energy into fulfillment and satisfaction.  It also helps to pull you forward into health. 

The Journey

This may feel like a lot. And it is.  Yet your health and sense of inner peace will grow as you progress through the program.

I am excited and perhaps a bit scared.  It is a lot to take on.  Yet, I truly feel that this is my mission and destiny in this lifetime.  It has been a dream of mine for many many years.  Now is the time to bring it out into the world.

I am certainly open to any of your thoughts, questions and suggestions.  I am here to serve you.  

May you be whole, 💕Bindu

6 Steps to Neutralize Negative Thinking

6 Steps to Neutralize Negative Thinking

Did you know that trauma hijacks your mind? 

We have explored the impact of trauma on our nervous system.  When we experience trauma, our nervous system can become disregulated and we can be in sympathetic dominate (fight or flight) or parasympathetic dominate (freeze or immobilize).

The state of your nervous system has a profound impact on your mind.

I certainly have experienced this.  More so in the past, but even now if I get triggered by something.

On days that I wake up fatigued (parasympathetic dominate), life feels like an unbearable burden.  I have no ambition, and my mind fills with thoughts of not being good enough, my life is over, why do I even try.   I can’t do this.  You get the picture.

When something happens to trigger my fears (sympathetic dominate), it feels like there is danger no matter which direction I go.   Life isn’t safe.  My thoughts reinforce those feelings.  I think that nobody likes me.  I think that something bad is going to happen.  How can I protect myself from danger?  What do I need to do to keep myself safe?

Over time, I realized that if I fought my mind at these times, it was a never-ending stressful struggle, and I was on the loosing end.

What to do?

I know that negative thinking can literally be painful.  To be caught in the never-ending stream of negative thoughts kills your spirit and dampens your enthusiasm for life.

Yet fighting it only makes it stronger.  The negative thinking part seems to enjoy the battle.  It is said that the pain-body feeds itself by creating chaos.  And negative thinking is one way to do this.  Fighting the negative thinking feeds the chaos.

There is a saying, “What you resist, persists”.

But there is a way to neutralize negative thinking.

6 steps to neutralize negative thinking.

  1. Acknowledge that your mind is caught in a negative thinking loop.

Awareness takes some of the power away from the negative loop.  It is easier for your subconscious pain body to control you when you are unaware.

  1. Place your hand on your heart and take some long deep breaths.

Breathing in for 2 -4 counts and then exhaling for 4- 8 counts.  What matters here is that the outbreath is longer than the in breath.

Placing the hand on your heart connects you to your inner self.

The deeper breaths help to regulate the nervous system and bring you into a more regulated state which allows for conscious choice.

  1. Become curious about the negative thoughts.

Watch the thoughts with curiosity and interest.  The part of you who is thinking negative thoughts will feel heard and seen.  Which is what it wants and needs.

  1. Ask that part what it is feeling.

By acknowledging the underlying feeling further disarms the negative thinking.  By acknowledging the emotion, that part will again feel heard and seen.  Emotions are the fuel for the negative thoughts.

  1. Ask that part what it needs.

Under every negative emotion is an unmet need.  Acknowledging and responding to the unmet need can dispel the negative emotions.

  1. Provide some reassuring positive statements based on the need of the wounded part and/or take action if needed.

What does that part need to hear from you?  Perhaps the wounded part just needs to be heard and acknowledged.  Perhaps it needs to know it is safe or loved.

If that part needs you to take action, do that.  By responding to the need, you will develop a relationship based on mutual respect and trust with the part that was in need and your deeper self.

This practice can become a new way of being

In the beginning, this can seem challenging and even weird.  But over time, you will develop a deeper relationship with your wounded parts.  Our wounded parts arose out of trauma and didn’t get their needs met at the time of the trauma.

You might even consider some of these parts bad or wrong.  That is also the result of trauma.  We exile or abandon parts of who we are.  And we develop protective parts to keep them suppressed and to avoid feeling uncomfortable emotions.

These parts act out in unconscious ways to maintain the status quo.  Status quo feels safe because it is known.  But they also hold us back from healing our trauma and moving forward with our lives.

True Healing

True healing occurs when we acknowledge, embrace, and heal all our parts.  They all have something to offer us, and they all have a positive role to play in our lives.

If you need support around this, feel free to connect with me.  I offer Inner Presence sessions where I support you in exploring the underlying causes of negative thinking, negative emotional states, and trauma.  It can be challenging to do this on your own, as your own protective parts will often get in the way.

If interested in exploring this, send me a message via my contact form or respond to this email.  I can offer a complementary 20-minute consultation to explore whether working with me seems right for you.

May you be healed, 💗Bindu


Where are You? Where do you want to be?

Where are You? Where do you want to be?

Honestly, that is a very vague question.  So, let me clarify.

The real question is, where are you in regard to your nervous system and how does that impact your life experience and fibromyalgia?   And what can you do about it?

Our Autonomic Nervous System controls much of the activity in the body.  It has two branches, the Sympathetic Nervous System and the Parasympathetic Nervous System and the Enteric Nervous System. 

Today we will focus on the Sympathetic Nervous System and the Parasympathetic Nervous System.   Both have a direct connection to the organ systems in your body. 

In a healthy person, these two nervous systems balance each other.  The Sympathetic gets us up in the morning and keeps us moving during the day so we can function in the world.  The Parasympathetic nervous system slows us down so we can sleep, and the body can rest and repair.   They both are connected to the organ systems in the body to make sure they function properly and can rest, repair and rejuvenate. 

The two naturally work in harmony with each other to keep us healthy. 

When we have experienced trauma, negative life experiences and ongoing stress, the automatic nervous system becomes disregulated.   We can become stuck in either the sympathetic or parasympathetic or take wild swings from one to the other. 

Why is this important to know?

For women with fibromyalgia, this is important because a dysregulated nervous system can be a contributing factor to our fibro symptoms and/or can block healing and recovery from fibromyalgia.

If you know “where you are” meaning “where is your nervous system”, you can take steps to regulate your nervous system and bring it back into balance.  That is a big step in fibromyalgia recovery. 

Your nervous system can be in a state of Sympathetic Dominance, or Parasympathetic Dominance, or swing wildly from one to the other. Or sometimes both are activated.  Or it can be in a balanced or regulated state.

The lists below for each state will provide information for you to consider as you observe your experience.  This will help you to understand where your nervous system is.

Sympathetic Dominance

If your sympathetic nervous system is dominate, you will be in a state of hyper-arousal or fight or flight.  Some of the signs of being in Sympathetic Dominance are:

Signs of hyper arousal: 

  • Fight, flight
  • Overwhelm
  • Rigid and inflexible
  • Impulsivity
  • Tension
  • Anxiety, panic
  • Insomnia
  • Defensiveness
  • Restlessness
  • Intrusive Imagery
  • Phobias
  • Self-destructive behavior
  • Addictions
  • Overeating or restricted eating
  • Obsessive rumination
  • Rage, irritability
  • Emotional reactivity
  • Exaggerated startle response
  • Feeling unsafe

Parasympathetic Dominance

If your parasympathetic nervous system is dominate, you will be in a state of hypo-arousal aka Shutdown or Immobilization.  Some of the signs of being in Parasympathetic Dominance are: 

Signs of Hypo-Activation 

  • Shutdown
  • Reduced Awareness of Sensation
  • Emotionally numb or flat
  • Unable to think
  • Dissociation
  • Memory impairment
  • Sleepy/unable to stay awake.
  • Spacy
  • Withdrawn
  • Unable to actively defend yourself
  • Collapsed
  • Fainting
  • Unable to Move
  • Reduced Physical Movement
  • Lethargy / No energy
  • Disconnected
  • Depressed
  • Passive
  • Ashamed
  • Less Verbal
  • Disappearing

Signs of a balanced nervous system

What you may not know is what it feels like to have a normal balanced nervous system, that easily flows from one to the other as needed as your move through your day. If you have had trauma, ongoing stress, or negative life experiences in early childhood, you might have never experienced a balanced nervous system.  I certainly didn’t. 

What is the experience of a balanced nervous system?

  • You can feel your emotions and think about them at the same time.
  • Feelings and experiences are tolerable.
  • Access to compassion and empathy – toward yourself and others.
  • Ability to learn.
  • Able to be present.
  • Able to be curious about your feelings rather than reactive, defensive, or judgmental.
  • Feeling grounded and calm
  • Able to feel connected in a mutual relationship.
  • Creative
  • Courage
  • Confidence
  • Clarity
  • Contentment
  • Inner Peace

Where are you?

As you read over the lists, what resonates with you?  Which state or states do you experience frequently.  Here are some questions to consider: 

  1. Do you relate to one list or both?
  2. Do you swing from one to the other?
  3. Do you have normal healthy swings from sympathetic to parasympathetic?
  4. Do you have large dramatic swings from sympathetic to parasympathetic?
  5. Do you stay stuck in one or the other?
  6. Are there people or events that will trigger either hypo (parasympathetic) or hyper (sympathetic) activation?
  7. If you become triggered into one or the other states, can you get yourself out?

Keep in Mind . . .

Keep in mind that you will naturally have ups and downs in life.  The nervous system will keep moving from parasympathetic to sympathetic naturally.   And that both are needed to navigate the normal, natural ups and downs of life.    The problem is when one or the other dominates and we get stuck or have wild swings from parasympathetic  to sympathetic.    

Take sometime this coming week to become more aware of  “where you are” in relation to your  nervous system as you go through your day.   Print out the lists and post them where you can see them or carry one with you.  

Awareness is the first step in creating change.  Simply by being aware of where your nervous system is will begin to create change.  Over the last several blogs and newsletters, I have provided some simple practices that can bring you to a balanced nervous system.  The change can be subtle, and it can take some consistent practice over a period of time. 

Also in my upcoming programs, Reconnect with Your Calm Inner Presence and An Introduction to the Integrative Wholeness Experience, we will go more deeply into how to create and maintain a balanced health nervous system. 

Stay tuned. 

May your nervous system be balanced and healthy,  💕Bindu