The idea the we can recover from from fibromyalgia isn’t very popular.
Our medical system has no cure for fibromyalgia. Even holistic treatments often fall short of providing relief from fibromyalgia.
Back in the 90’s, after struggling with my health for 20 years, I first heard the word fibromyalgia. I was dumbfounded. Also excited. I thought that now that I knew what was wrong with me, I could get help. But the medical system didn’t have anything that helped. I had already began studying holistic health, so put my focus in that direction. Even though it took a long time, I have improved significantly and many of my symptoms are gone or mild.
Today I am inspired to share my approach to moving Beyond Fibromyalgia.
Which is quite unique.
This is the result of result of my search for health over the past 40 years. I scoured the medical approach and holistic modalities. This was quite a journey and carried me from one end of the US to another more than once. Personally working with multiple holistic treatments and protocols and practitioners for 20 years. Into a monastery for 3 years, and an ashram for 6 years. 10 years of training in wholistic modalities. Experimenting with diet, exercise and lifestyle choices. Many years of teaching and coaching others. I felt like I was guided by a divine hand showing me the next step and the next for 40 years.
Out of all of this I have developed a very thorough systematic way of restoring health. Based on what really worked and what didn’t. Blending modalities into a synergetic system of rebuilding health addressing all dimensions of our being, body, emotions, mind, spirit, energy and expression. Calling on the power of the body to heal itself.
This is the system that I used to rebuild my health. And now it is time for me to bring it out into the world.
Below you will see an outline and short description of my system. I hope it doesn’t feel too overwhelming. Beginning in September, I will begin teaching group programs taking participants through the process step by step. My hope/intention is to make the process affordable for everyone. By doing this in groups you will have the group support throughout the process.
Beyond Fibromyalgia – A Path to Wholeness
Connect to Calm
The Integrative Wholeness Experience
The Integrative Wholeness Experience is designed to teach you how to remain grounded, calm, and centered in the midst of external or internal stress. Accessing your inner wisdom and guidance.
Internal stress prevents our body from healing itself. When we have stress from negative life experiences, trauma, unhappy work, and relationship challenges, our sympathetic nervous system is running the show and we do not have the ability to slow down, rest, recharge, and repair. Or parasympathetic nervous system is keeping us buried in a state of fog and immobility. This can diminish the effectiveness of any health-oriented protocol.
By grounding ourself in our calm inner Presence we can more easily navigate the ups and downs of the healing journey. And you will learn how to neutralize triggers and trauma responses as they arise in your daily experience.
Essential Care of the Body
- The importance of self-care
- The importance of bio-Individuality
- Discover the right diet for your bio-individuality
- Learn how to keep your body hydrated
- Enjoy healthy movement for your bio-individuality
- Use breathing practices to enhance wellness
- Recharge through sleep, rest, relaxation, and play
The second essential component to rebuilding our health is taking good care of your body. Without feeding your body the right food for your unique bio-individuality your food can actually contribute to ill health rather than improving health.
Likewise with exercise. Moving your body is essential for your health and knowing what exercises and how much is right for you will support your healing process. Doing the wrong exercise or even too much of the right exercise can work against improving your health.
Oxygen is the most important nutrient on the planet. With our first breath we begin our life on earth. With the last breath we leave our body. The quality of our breath between these two events contributes to the quality of your life and health.
Water is also an essential nutrient. Your body is 70% water. A well hydrated body has a greater ability to detoxify and support normal metabolism.
Rest, sleep, and play are essential to a quality of life. When we are stressed, we become contracted. That contraction reduces the quality of our health. Rest and play bring joy and delight into our system and relaxes the body. The right balance between relaxation and contraction is essential for good health.
Quality sleep is also essential to good health. That is when the body rests, restores, and rebuilds. Healing trauma, negative life experiences and stresses in your life help the nervous system to unwind allowing for deep restful sleep. Also the Integrative Wholeness Experience supports you in remaining calm in the midst of stress.
Care of the Mind and Emotions
- All healing begins with Self-Love
- Identify, manage and deconstruct stress
- Embrace the power of your emotions
- Open and heal the heart
- Harness the power of your mind
- Discover the core values that guide you
Much of this is covered in the Integrative Wholeness Experience.
When we have suppressed emotions and unhealed trauma, your cellular memories continuously send a danger signal to your nervous system which keeps you in fight or flight.
The mind jumps in and creates thoughts, stories, and belief systems to attempt to understand and explain the anxiety or depression that you feel. This tends to slow down the true healing process and keeps you stuck in the uncomfortable known.
Trauma and negative life experiences are revealed and neutralized. Reprograming the mind to a health life affirmative perspective. Learning to embrace your emotions in a way that empowers rather than disempowers you.
All done from a place of self love and compassion. You will learn a process that will automatically heal trauma triggers and trauma responses as they arise in your experience.
Identifying and Addressing Underlying Imbalances
- Support the foundational body systems
- Discover and deconstruct hidden stressors
- Experience the art of healthy detoxification
- Repair cellular damage caused by toxicity
- Return body systems to balance and optimal function
- Resolve inherited genetic susceptibilities
- Restore the energy flow in the body.
When the body has been out of balance for an extended period of time, the biochemistry and energetic terrain of the body changes. Even after correcting our lifestyle, stress reduction, trauma healing and spiritual connection, the body needs further assistance to return to an inner state of balance and functionality.
The foundational systems of the body include the neuroendocrine system, digestive system, and the detoxification system. By supporting these systems in the body, we can begin the process of rebalancing the biochemistry of the body.
In addition, it is important to identify toxins that are stored in the body tissues which undermine the healthy functioning of the body. And finally, to repair damage the cells have sustained due to stress and toxicity.
The body is fueled by energy that flows through the meridian system. The meridian system feeds each system in the body and keeps the systems, organs and cells functioning normally. There are many modalities that we can utilize to increase the flow of energy to improve your health.
Reclaim your Life – Enhancing your Expression
- Know yourself
- Create your vision and personal mission statement
- Effectively manage your life
- Learn the art of conscious creation
- Create healthy supportive relationships
- Communicate effectively from the heart
- Express your life purpose
Another aspect of rebuilding your health is knowing your true self and consciously interacting with the world around you, through work, family, and society. Who are you? What are the gifts that you are here to bring into the world. How do you manage your time and finances? Are your relationships healthy, fulfilling, and nurturing? How do you consciously communicate in the world?
This benefits us in two ways. First, knowing your core values and mission help you to channel your energy into fulfillment and satisfaction. It also helps to pull you forward into health.
The Journey
This may feel like a lot. And it is. Yet your health and sense of inner peace will grow as you progress through the program.
I am excited and perhaps a bit scared. It is a lot to take on. Yet, I truly feel that this is my mission and destiny in this lifetime. It has been a dream of mine for many many years. Now is the time to bring it out into the world.
I am certainly open to any of your thoughts, questions and suggestions. I am here to serve you.
May you be whole, 💕Bindu