Ready to release depression and Fatigue?
Does it seem like no matter what you do, you just can’t overcome feeling fatigue and depression?
If so, you’re not alone.
Click here to discover new tools to release depression and increase your energy.
The fact is MOST women with fibromyalgia struggle with overcoming depression and maintaining a positive attitude about life.
But there is a good reason why they fail…and the reason they fail can be the reason you succeed.
It’s because while they might try to think positively to keep their spirits lifted, they neglect an important part… creating emotional freedom.
If you caught my recent blog post on “Emotional Freedom and Fibromyalgia”, you know that there are 5 things you MUST know in order to create a healthy relationship with your emotions and create emotional freedom.
- Feeling your emotions is healthy and helpful.
- By suppressing your negative emotions, you also suppress your ability to feel positive emotions.
- When you suppress your negative emotions, they still want to be felt, so they are constantly felt on a subconscious level.
- Suppressing your emotions takes energy and leaves you feeling drained and fatigued.
- Suppressing emotions block the flow of energy in the body, which inhibit the proper functioning of the body, which contributes to fatigue.
That’s why I created The Kaleidoscope Online Healing Circle. It gives you everything you need to create emotional freedom so you can feel, honor and respect your emotions and release suppressed emotions to increase your energy level and feel contentment and inner peace.
Here’s what you get:
- Gentle movement, yoga postures and dance to release physical tension and pain so you can feel more relaxed in your body.
- Breath work and body awareness to release suppressed emotions so you can experience emotional freedom.
- Self-Inquiry so you can discover and rescript underlying unhealthy beliefs into positive life affirming core values.
- Energy Healing so that you can neutralize destructive cellular memories and free yourself from your past
- Inner Presence activation so you can connect with your higher self and feel grounded within your own knowing.
- Empath Training to help you to embrace and care for your empathic self, reconnect with empathic abilities and use them to benefit yourself and others.
Click here to learn ALL about The Kaleidoscope Online Healing Circle
Normally, to get all of this, you would have to pay hundreds of dollars for one-on-one sessions.
But by joining the Online Healing Circle, you gain a community of like-minded women who are committed to rebuilding their health under the guidance of an experienced teacher and healer. And you can save up to $300 per month.
AND, I am offering the month of July for FREE
Click here to be one of the first to join
Ready to take the next step towards overcoming depression and fatigue to increase your energy level and feel contentment and inner peace.
Yours in health and wellness,
P.S. Right now, grab your space in the FREE July sessions online Kaleidoscope Healing Circle.