Bindu’s one-on-one coaching program is designed for women with fibromyalgia
who want clear guidance in creating a complete individualized wellness program
and personalized support from beginning to end.
Sessions can be done via phone, skype or facetime.
Now is the time to reclaim your life, by rebuilding your health,
rediscovering your joy and aligning with your purpose!
I am here to guide and coach you through the process. Think of me as your partner, someone who wants to help you discover your unique path to wellness. I am here to support you throughout the healing process and offer you compassion and respect. My commitment is to hear you, see you and be present with you.
Each person is unique and their journey to wellness is unique as well. Rebuilding your health and reclaiming your life is like putting together a puzzle – finding the right pieces and putting them together in the right sequence. As the pieces of the puzzle are found and put together; health emerges and peace is restored.
The Foundational Components embedded within the Programs, work together to provide a systematic way to identify the missing pieces of your wellness puzzle and integrate them into your life.
Foundational Components for
Rebuilding Your Health, Reclaiming Your Life,
Rediscovering Your Joy and Aligning with Your Purpose
Essential Care of the Body
- The importance of self-care
- The importance of bio-Individuality
- Discover the right diet for your bio-individuality
- Learn how to keep your body hydrated
- Enjoy healthy movement for your bio-individuality
- Use breathing practices to enhance wellness
- Recharge through sleep, rest, relaxation, and play
Care of the Mind, Emotions, Spirit
- All healing begins with Self-Love
- Identify, manage and deconstruct stress
- Embrace the power of your emotions
- Open and heal the heart
- Harness the power of your mind
- Discover the core values that guide you
- Connect with the Divine
Identifying and Addressing Causative Factors
- Support the foundational body systems
- Discover and deconstruct hidden stressors
- Experience the art of healthy detoxification
- Repair cellular damage caused by toxicity
- Return body systems to balance and optimal function
- Resolve inherited genetic susceptabilities
Reclaim your Life – Enhancing your Expression
- Know yourself
- Create your vision and personal mission statement
- Effectively manage your life
- Learn the art of conscious creation
- Create healthy supportive relationships
- Communicate effectively from the heart
- Express your life purpose
Ready to jump in? Click here to schedule a complimentary Discovery Session with Bindu or continue reading to find out more . . .
Work One on One with Me and Receive Personalized Attention
Through My Individual Programs.
To learn more visit my Individual Programs page. Here is a sneak peak:
- Inner Transformation
- Bio-Energetic Scan
- Lifestyle Make Over
- What's the Right Diet for Me?
- Align with Your Purpose
Or Join My Comprehensive Program
which integrates all of the Individual Programs
The Ultimate Comprehensive Program: Healthy Body, Joyful Life
This comprehensive program blends all programs to bring you the very best opportunity to rebuild your health, reclaim your life, rediscover your joy and align with your purpose. Working one on one with Bindu in this comprehensive program is life changing and will bring you toward your goals in ways that you can’t even imagine. Click here for more information.
Coming in 2019 – Group Programs – Stay Tuned!
YES! I want to rebuild my health, reclaim my life, rediscover my joy and align with my purpose. What do I do next???
Sign up for your complimentary Discovery Session
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6 Steps to Discover Hidden Stressors that are Undermining Your Health
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