Self reflection is an important tool in the journey of rebuilding your health.
Self-Reflection is a way to empower yourself to make your own decisions, based on knowledge, awareness, compassion and accessing your inner knowing. Self Inquiry can be used to develop awareness, compassion, self-confidence and self love.
The process of self-reflection is a powerful way to get to know yourself. To become aware of your inner world of thought, emotions, beliefs, values, judgments, joys, fears, and much more. It is an opportunity to meet yourself with compassion and caring. By using self-reflection, you can become your own best friend. You live with yourself 24/7. No one on this planet can ever know you as deeply as you know yourself. No one can ever love you as deeply as you can love yourself.
Are you looking for love?
The first place is to look within. When you meet parts of yourself that you judge or push away, is an opportunity to embrace the part of yourself with compassion and acceptance. By doing that, you will be giving yourself what you want and need most . . . to be heard, seen and loved. When you become your own champion, criticism from outside cannot harm you. You will begin to draw to you love as a reflection of your own self-love.
Developing self love reduces the stress that you feel every day. Hidden judgments and self criticism create stress in the body. This is an important hidden stressor that can keep your nervous system in a state of alert and alarm. By developing self love, your nervous system can calm down return to balance. Anxiety and depression can be released; rest and sleep can be resorted.
Self reflection can be done in many ways.
Some people like to journal; some prefer silent contemplation and others deepen their own awareness through dialogue with a conscious listening partner. Some people draw or use art, while others use music. You can experiment with these techniques to see what works for you. The most common is journaling and silent contemplation.
Self reflection through journaling.
To experiment with journaling, get yourself a spiral notebook or, if you prefer, a nice journal. Set aside some time each day where you will be undisturbed. It can be as little as 15 minutes or as much as 30 minutes or longer. Sit quietly for a few minutes and slow down and deepen your breath. You can begin with a question or just write down whatever comes into your mind. If you begin with a question, write down the question and then just jot down anything that comes to mind as you consider the question. Do not hamper or edit the flow of your thoughts by throwing out anything, just write down whatever comes to mind. Sometimes the most insightful and wisest thoughts are those that we might dismiss and being unimportant or silly or irrelevant. Treasure each and every thought. After a while of writing, you can go back through what you have written to see the treasures your consciousness has unveiled.
Self Reflection through silent contemplation.
This is my personal favorite. You can begin by setting aside some time each day and finding a place where you will be undisturbed. Sit quietly and slow down and deepen your breath. In this method, you simply sit and watch the flow of your thoughts. If you like, you can ask a question for direction and notice what thoughts come up. You can deepen the inquiry by inquiring into the thoughts that come up. Notice if you are judging the thoughts that come up. If so, endeavor to let the judgments go and simply observe. In this way, you are getting to know your inner self a bit more each day and by letting go of judgments, you are developing self acceptance and love.
Self reflection through conscious dialogue with a partner.
Conscious dialogue with a partner is also very effective. In this technique, it is important that both parties are committed and aware of the process we are engaging in. Find quiet place and a time where you will be undisturbed. Slow down and deepen the breath. Each person will take a turn sharing. It is important that the listener not interrupt, share personal stories, or give advice. Their role is simply to listen and if requested to feed back to the speaker what is being heard. You can set a timer so that each person has a set amount of time to speak or be more free flowing.
Enjoying the benefits of self reflection.
You can use any of the methods above or devise one of your own. You will find a wealth of knowledge and wisdom within through self reflection. If you need help embracing yourself and would like assistance to discover the true beauty of who you are, reach out. I am an expert in helping people to discover and embrace their inner beauty.
Complimentary Discovery Session
Spend 90 minutes with Bindu to explore within to discover your unique path to increased health and well-being. My gift to you.