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Reclaim Your Power

Engage awareness, befriend your body, calm the mind, and open your heart

Develop Self Acceptance, Self Love and Self Compassion

Ground yourself in Presence

Welcome to the Reclaim Your Power Program

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Below is a summary of the program

Here is What’s Included . . .

8 Recorded Guided Experiences

Experience the teachings first hand through the daily guided experience.

12 downloadable PDF Teachings

Learn the mechanics of Reclaiming Your Power through video teachings.

8  Guided Recorded Mini Breaks

Carry your experience into your day with easy to use downloadable mini breaks.

8 Daily Practice Guidelines

Easily integrate the teaching into your daily life with easy to use tips.

8 Self Inquiry Worksheets

Take the teaching deeper through self inquiry questions.

Private Facebook Group

Ask questions, receive support through dedicated Facebook Group

Live 90 Minute Group Zoom Session With Bindu

The 9 Course Modules

The 9 Modules are designed to gently guide you through a process of reconnection with your breath, body, emotions, awareness and Presence.

By reclaiming our breath, body, and emotions, they no longer control us, but become a resource that we can use to recreate our experience.

Module 1

An Introduction to Presence

Presence is the secret to Reclaiming our Power

Module 2

The Power of the Breath

Breath opens the doorway to Presence

Module 3

Deepening the Breath

Deepening the Breath empowers Presence

Module 4

The Art of Relaxation

Relaxation creates space for Presence

Module 5

The Miracle of the Body

Reclaiming your body as your friend, guide and ally

Module 6

Safely Feeling Emotions

Safely feeling emotions reclaims your passion and aliveness

Module 7

The Power of Witnessing

Witnessing nurtures equinimity, balance and clarity

Module 8

Engaging Presence

Accessing Presence in our daily lives is the source of our Power

Module 9

Review, Celebration, Next Steps

Gounding what we have discovered and steps to continue

 Presenter:  Bindu Johnson

Presence is the Source of Your Power

30+ years ago, I stepped into a journey of Self discovery.  At the time I was a few years out of college progressing in my career as an auditor in a CPA firm.   Yet, I was miserable.  I had multiple physical, mental, and emotional symptoms including fatigue, relentless pain, severe IBS, interstitial cystitis, brain fog, anxiety, and depression (later diagnosed as fibromyalgia).   I was a compulsive eater and sucked in relationships.  I quit my job and began looking for solutions to my health and for inner peace.

Within a few years, my journey took me to Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, where I remained for 6 years as a resident staff member.  In my study and practice of yoga, I was introduced to the Practice of Being.  It was a way of being while doing yoga, but also a way of being in LIFE.  The Practice of Being offered 5 simple steps:  Breath, Relax, Feel, Watch and Allow.

By adopting the Practice of Being as a way of life, I have been able to Reclaim my Power and transform my health, my life and find the Inner Peace that I was searching for.  I discovered a Presence deep within myself that is the source of Peace, Fulfillment, Contentment, Wisdom, Clarity, Power and so much more.

The Reclaim Your Power Program is an introduction to the Practice of Being and a step by step guided process to integrate this powerful way to integrate Presence into your life.

I am please you will join me in this amazing journey.