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Happy Clients

I wish to thank all my amazing clients

Your successes are your creation, I simply create the space and offer support and guidance.

Bindu brings together an array of skills and experience that few can match. Her extensive background in life as a yoga teacher, expert in nutrition, coaching and various healing modalities makes her one of the finest practitioners I’ve ever worked with. Add to that her compassion, patience and excellent intuition and you have the ideal counselor/coach with many tools in her tool box.

I can honestly say that if you are ready to heal and make changes in your life, and want a firm, focused and powerfully kind coach – look no further.  Together you and Bindu will create an awesome healing journey!

Kate Solisti, Master Interspecies Communicator and Author of Conversations with Dog, Cat and Horse, The Holistic Animal Handbook and Kinship with Animals.

“Highly enlightening!  I thought I simply lacked willpower.  I thought I knew what to eat and how; I just wasn’t doing that.  I was wrong.  Working with Bindu opened my eyes and gave me an entirely new outlook on food, and more importantly, the power of integrative nutrition.”

Wendy Watts, Amherst VA

Faced with a feeling of inertia and lack of fulfillment in my life, I reached out to Bindu for guidance.  I struggled to see a path forward and a future that addressed my needs. Through our sessions she has helped open my eyes in so many ways – helped me see the many gifts I possess, offer and have received.

Our time together brings balance, direction and insight into my life. Her skill and gifts deliver on so many levels. I find myself in a much different and certainly better place as a result.  I value her as a resource and guide towards a more fulfilled life.

David Altman, New York NY

When I had my initial Discovery Session, I was intrigued by the concept of a counselor as opposed to a diet guru. I found that I really liked having someone to support me first, educate second, and third help me tweak my diet to become healthy for me- for my body and tastes. I have to admit, I thought I was pretty well educated about a healthy diet.  After all, I’d been obsessed with it since I was 12.  What I found was that I lacked some pretty important pieces.

Bindu let me take the information in at my own speed and supported me with encouragement all along the way. My goal was to have more energy, sleep better and be more relaxed throughout my day. I absolutely have accomplished all of these pieces and continue to eat well because I am feeling better. Working with Bindu was a great step for me in my efforts to be the best I can be. I highly recommend it.

Polly Williams, Faber VA

My top three goals when working with Bindu were weight loss, overall health (mental, spiritual and physical) and having and maintaining healthy relationships. Bindu was pivotal in changing the way I eat by having me complete a metabolic profile.  I had been a vegetarian since the first of the year and I learned I was a protein type.  I had lost about 20 lbs but had been stuck there for months.  Once I started eating more protein and taking the amino acid supplements she suggested, I was able to pretty much eat what I wanted of the foods that were suggested for protein type and the rest of the weight came off.  The amino acids helped balance my mood and my cravings.  Today, I am 5 lbs from the goal I’ve had for a very long time!

She also introduced Healing Codes.  That has been an amazingly wonderful and healing experience.  She was able to help me find memories in my past that have been affecting me on many levels for all of my life.  I am in the process of healing, but 3 sessions with Bindu have allowed me to heal like no amount of therapy has!

The biggest tangible change I have noticed since beginning the program has been eating protein with every meal, creating and keeping healthy boundaries and maintaining balance in my life.  The most significant overall change I have noticed has been losing 45 pounds!

I would describe Bindu as very personable, a great listener and has the talent and intuitive nature to get to the root of the issues and to help you with any challenge you are facing.  I would recommend Bindu to anyone with a weight issue, with emotional healing to do or really with any life issue you can think of. I have recommended her many times and will continue to do so!

Barb Brandt, Dallas TX

I want to create my own success story!  What do I do next???

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A one on one conversation with Bindu to clarify your challenges, goals and create a personalize journey to living the life of your dreams.

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