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How often do you take what others say personally?  

In his book, The Four Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz says, Don’t Take Anything Personally.  Several years ago, I adopted this as a mantra.   It was a powerful experience.  As I lived with this statement as a possibility, I became aware of several patterns:

  • I didn’t have a very high opinion of myself.  I expected criticism, so I would hear criticism where there wasn’t any.  It was simply my projection because I expected it.
  • I realized that the people who criticized me, that they were people who criticized everything.  I just happened to be in their line of fire.   But they also criticized themselves.  
  • I criticized myself . . . a lot.  With this increase awareness of my own self criticism, I was able to begin to change the pattern.  To begin to talk kindly to myself.  
  • I was very critical, not only of my self, but of others.  With this awareness, I could begin to think and speak more kindly to others.  

Results of Practice

With this practice over the years, I began to change.  I became more compassionate, understanding, kind and forgiving of myself and others.  


May you embrace yourself with compassion, 💗Bindu