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A lot of what I teach is awareness. Perhaps it would be helpful for me to describe what I mean by awareness and why it is so important.

What is Awareness?

We are very complex beings. We are multi-dimensional. By multi-dimensional, I mean that we have a physical body, emotional body, mental body, energetic body and a spiritual body. Within each of these dimensions are many energies and processes that function to give us the experience we have. Most of these processes and functions go on behind the scene and beyond our conscious awareness.

That is part of the grand design of a human being. Our heart beats without us needing to do anything. Our lungs breath without us knowing how this happens. We feel things, emotionally and energetically. Our mind thinks without our volition. We have cellular memories of our past that are subtle images playing continuously. All this and more is going on in the background creating what we experience moment to moment. Most of this we are not consciously aware of.

When we build awareness, we are choosing to bring into awareness some of these “programs” running in the background. We become more aware of our thoughts, emotions, physical sensations, energies, memories and soul.


Why is Awareness Important?

Awareness is important because it is these background happenings that create our experience of life. By becoming more aware of what is going on behind the scene, we can and will change the experience of our life. We can become the co-creator of our experience rather than the victims of our past and our conditioning.

Does this sound intriguing? Interesting? In my experience, becoming more aware has been a wonderful experience for me. I have changed and evolved in many ways that I could never have imagined. With increased awareness, we can impact our physical health, improve our relationships with others, improve our mood, get better sleep, enjoy life and more. We will experience a fullness of life that isn’t possible without increased awareness.

That is all I will say for today. But I will continue with this in future posts.

May your awareness grow,


Stay Tuned – Coming Soon

Designed for fibromyalgia and beneficial to everyone. Revitalize your body, calm your mind, embrace your heart, discover inner peace. Includes: 

Integrative Movement – yoga, tai chi chi gong, inner dance, joint freeing and more. 

Relax, Meditate and Rejuvenate – guided relaxation, breath work, and meditation.